Sunday, February 6, 2011

What is this blog thing all about?

So many of my friends have started blogging that I thought I should get with the times.  When trying to figure out what on earth I would blog about I ran through the gamut of topics.  I could blog about my daily life (boring), finding a new apartment in DC, what I cooked for dinner, how the cool kids are dressing, kids (not yet), planning a wedding (already did that) or I could write about something meaningful.  Not that all of those topics aren't meaningful some just seem a bit personal for me to send into the blog-o-sphere.

(so let me get a bit personal) I grew-up in a small Midwestern town, then moved to Florida so I never had to deal with snow again and have now landed in Washington DC.  I have lived here for almost 4 years and experienced a huge culture shock when I arrived.  Gone were the days of running on the beach, drinking sweet tea and having nice people let you over in traffic.  I miss those days so much!  It got me thinking, I wonder where the love has gone in our nation's capital.  I am dedicating this blog to pointing out the random acts of kindness I witness as I go about my daily life.

I have to admit this inspiration did come from the Black Eyed Peas song, "Where is the love."  Kind of cheesy but the lyrics really speak to me.  I hope that you will enjoy this blog and find that it is a place to discover restored faith in humanity as we navigate this sometimes difficult world.